SLA resources include:
We maintain strong professional ties with the academic and medical communities and their practitioners.
Financial professionals who can clarify the need for, and establish, Special Needs Trusts for children.
Educational consultants who specialize in residential placements.
Life coaches and post-secondary experts.
Community outreach:
SLA hosts a Workshop Series, bringing experts from various disciplines to speak on relevant topics.
SLA speaks before special education interest groups, parent assemblies, teacher groups, and other professional conclaves.
Topics range from navigating the special education process to CSE-think to how teachers can effectively testify.
Our Special Bulletins to clients relate the latest activities, practices, and strategies that are significant to clients’ cases.
Our Newsletter:
Our e-Newsletter is distributed to an ever-widening network of parents, educators, professionals, and other interested parties, providing information on the law, school districts, and scientific findings in the special education world.