Understanding the Evaluation Process for Special Education in New York

Susan Luger Associates
Special Need Child Panting Joyfully in classroom

The special education evaluation process plays a crucial role in determining the appropriate educational support for children with disabilities. Parents and guardians who suspect their child may require special education services often have many questions about how the evaluation works, what steps are involved, and what rights they have throughout the process. 

The evaluation process is designed to identify a child’s strengths and challenges, assess their need for specialized instruction, and develop an appropriate Individualized Education Program (IEP) if necessary.

At Susan Luger Associates, we understand the importance of a thorough and fair evaluation in securing the proper educational support for children. The process can feel overwhelming, but with the right guidance and understanding, families can be better prepared to advocate for their child's needs. 

A special education attorney in New York, New York, can provide valuable support to make sure that schools conduct comprehensive evaluations, uphold students' rights under federal and state laws, and provide accommodations as needed for every child's comfort in the classroom.

Initiating the Evaluation Process

The evaluation process typically begins when a parent, teacher, or school administrator suspects that a student may have a disability affecting their ability to learn. A written request for evaluation is submitted to the school district, formally initiating the process. 

Parents have the legal right to request an evaluation at any time, and the school district must respond within a reasonable timeframe.

Once the request is made, the school district will provide a Prior Written Notice detailing the evaluation process, including the types of assessments to be conducted and the professionals involved. Parents must provide informed consent before the evaluation can proceed. 

If the school refuses to evaluate a child, they must provide a written explanation outlining their reasons, and parents have the right to challenge this decision with the support of a special education attorney in New York, New York.

Considering the Components of the Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation consists of multiple assessments to determine whether a child qualifies for special education services. The evaluation must be individualized and use a variety of tools and strategies to gather information about the child's abilities and challenges. 

This process helps to prevent misdiagnosis and makes sure that children receive the appropriate support. Some of the most common types of assessments your child may undergo include, but aren't limited to, the following:

  • Cognitive and academic assessments: Cognitive testing measures a child’s intellectual functioning and problem-solving skills, while academic assessments evaluate their reading, writing, and math abilities. These assessments provide critical information about whether a learning disability is present and how it affects a child's educational performance.

  • Psychological and behavioral evaluations: A psychologist may conduct behavioral assessments to determine whether emotional or behavioral challenges are impacting the child's learning experience. Conditions such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, and autism spectrum disorder may be considered in these assessments. These evaluations help identify whether additional behavioral support or interventions are necessary.

  • Speech and language evaluations: For students struggling with communication, a speech-language pathologist will assess their ability to understand and express language. Speech and language evaluations are particularly important for children with suspected language processing disorders or expressive/receptive language delays.

  • Occupational and physical therapy assessments: Some students may require occupational or physical therapy to support their fine and gross motor skills. These assessments determine whether a child needs services such as sensory integration therapy, handwriting support, or assistance with mobility challenges.

  • Social and developmental history: A developmental history is compiled through interviews with parents and caregivers to understand a child’s early development, social interactions, and medical background. This information provides valuable context for understanding the child's educational needs.

Using these different assessments can help make sure that your child not only qualifies for special education services but also receives the specific help that they need. 

For example, if your child undergoes a speech and language evaluation and they're doing well but they fall behind in cognitive and academic assessments, it could be that your child may need tutoring or could potentially benefit from accommodations in school. 

Common accommodations may include being able to wear earplugs in class while working, additional time to take tests and assessments, and more. If you're unsure which types of accommodations may work best for your child or if you believe your child needs accomodations but you're being denied, consider reaching out to an experienced special education attorney.

Reviewing the Evaluation Results

Once the assessments are complete, the school district must schedule a meeting to review the findings with the parents. This meeting is often referred to as the Eligibility Determination Meeting, where educators, specialists, and parents discuss whether the child qualifies for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Parents have the right to ask questions about the results, request additional testing if they believe the evaluation is incomplete, and bring a special education attorney in New York, New York, to advocate on their behalf. 

If parents disagree with the school’s findings, they can request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) conducted by an outside professional at the school district’s expense. You can also reach out to a skilled special education attorney to seek legal advice or even legal action depending on the circumstances.

Developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

If a child is found eligible for special education services, the next step is developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP outlines specific educational goals, accommodations, modifications, and support services the child will receive. It is a legally binding document that schools must follow to provide appropriate educational support.

Parents play a crucial role in the IEP process and should actively participate in the meetings. A special education attorney in New York, New York, can help parents review the proposed IEP, negotiate necessary modifications, and advocate for additional services to support their child's success.

Challenging an Inadequate Evaluation

If parents believe that the evaluation was not conducted fairly or did not accurately assess their child’s needs, they have the right to challenge it. They can request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) or file a due process complaint if they feel their child's rights have been violated. The evaluation process must be thorough, unbiased, and conducted by qualified professionals.

The Law Offices of Susan Luger Associates help families challenge unfair evaluations by gathering evidence, consulting with specialists, and advocating for children’s rights. Schools must follow strict legal guidelines, and any failure to do so can be contested through legal action. 

The special education evaluation process is a critical step in securing appropriate educational support for children with disabilities. Understanding the rights and options available can help parents advocate for their child’s educational needs effectively. For more information, don't hesitate to reach out to an experienced special education attorney at our law firm.

Contact Our Firm Today

If you have concerns about your child's evaluation or need assistance in securing the necessary services, Susan Luger Associates is here to help. A special education attorney in New York, New York, can provide the legal guidance needed to address any challenges that arise. We proudly serve families throughout New York, New York, and the greater New York area, helping children receive the proper educational support.